Funding Goal Reached!

We did it! After 7 days, 2 hours, and 20 minutes, this Kickstarter drive has raised enough money through the aid of 147 generous backers to make Wild Card Creator a reality! Way to go everyone!

But Kickstarter drives don’t stop when the project reaches its funding goal. Oh no. Instead, they stay open until the end of the drive period so that every has a chance to contribute. More money means a better product and in the end everyone wins! Already, I’ve outlined several specific stretch goals:

$4,500 — All copies include over 150 pieces of art from Storn Cook, artist for the Fantasy Companion, Supers Companion, and Necessary Evil, which you can use as character portraits.

$6,000 — You’ll also be able to create armies for Savage Worlds Showdown, Pinnacle’s miniature game based on Savage Worlds. (I’ll try my best to get this feature in by November, but if it doesn’t make it, it’ll be in a free update).

$8,000 — Immediately after Wild Card Creator is released, work begins on an iPad and Android tablet version of Wild Card Creator and all backers will be able to get it for half off when it’s ready.

Also, if you have more ideas for things you want to see for stretch goals, let me know and I’ll be sure to consider them.

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